Monday, October 1, 2007

Medicine introduction

I don't have much time right now, but I've just finished my Psychiatry rotation and now I'm on Internal Medicine. Again, I'm at Harborview, the large public hospital here in Seattle.

I know a lot of people are confused about what Internal Medicine is, but for now I'll just say that these are the doctors who take care of you if you have to be admitted to the hospital for common problems likes pneumonia, or pyelonephritis (kidney infection), heart attack, stroke, etc. Of if you're at Harborview your patient may have many of these problems concurrently. In just one day, I've been amazed how complicated some of the patients are. Medicine doctors often consult other specialties (infectious disease, neurology, orthopedics, surgery, etc), but ultimately it is usually the medicine doc who has to put it all together, incorporating the recommendations of consultants to form a master plan.

More soon but I need some sleep.

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